Re: To space without rockets ?

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sun Oct 26 1997 - 20:19:41 MST


Y'know, the ancient Incas also used linear motor technologies. Just
look at the Nazca Lines. All those shapes can only be seen right from
the air, so of course, they had to have flying ships of some kind, and
all those lines are clearly landing strips for the Inca art critics to
get into the air so that then could evaluate the latest works.

If you don't beleive it, yall are just repressing the technological
birthright of native americans, yall don't want to beleive that native
peoples had all this fancy stuff first but gave it up to live a more
pure primitive way, because it might infringe on yalls patent rights or

Michael M. Butler wrote:
> Damien:
> You forgot that the ancient Egyptians also had the linear motor (they've been
> found in burial crypts next to the storage batteries that powered them)
> millennia ago, and that UFO abductees have reported that Grays have used them
> in hideous chromozone-bending experiments deep in the caverns reached by the
> USS nuclear sub Nautilus in 1958 when it supposedly "reached the North Pole"
> (ha!). This means that Grays probably gave the tech to the Atlanteans in the
> first place.
> Go ahead and mock, you talk about too much boring stuff anyway.
> It's all true, I read it somewhere and why would they lie?
> Damien Broderick wrote:
> > >What's a linear motor?
> > >
> > >thanks
> > >
> > >danny
> >
> > It's short for `lint-in-your-ear motile oratory'. Ancient Atlantean
> > wizards used this method to fly into orbit after the earth had expanded too
> > much and destroyed their homeland. The method is now known only to a few,
> > but appears to have involved an occult practice of meditation in which the
> > side of the head was lowered until the ear rested on the navel. Lint was
> > then drawn into the cavities of the ear by specially trained earwigs, and
> > the coded messages buried in the DNA strands of the lint were chanted until
> > the adept rose into the heavens.
> >
> > Damien Broderick
> --
> (NOTE: Robotlike replies to the above address will fail;
> *noncommercial* communications are welcome; kindly
> substitute a hyphen for the asterisk in the above address.
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			Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------	Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering
How many fnords did you see before breakfast today?

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