Re: Subject: "The Computer is your fiend..." -- Backdoors and Trapdoors...

From: Berrie (
Date: Thu Oct 23 1997 - 09:07:08 MDT

Hello all,

I also receive a lot of phone calls regarding polls, credit cards company's
keep track of my spending, All the info regarding tax is kept in a

Could a solution be, to start spreading Wrong information about,
yourself. I mean to mess up the database files of all these guys.
I work a lot with client-data to sell more and I think a lot about;
if it would be wise to start adjusting information about me.
Like buying at several stores (rich/poor), in polls say sometimes,
I like left and sometimes right, etc........

Anyone an opinion, does it make sense to do this ?
or will "they" even try harder to find out more about me.


Berrie Staring Email :
Member : Excedo Dutch >H
Site: present in november 1997
" if we agree; that what you do to someone....
.....can be done to you....................................
.you know love is an option and violence not"

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