Foresight Electronic Newsletter #3

From: Max More (
Date: Tue Oct 21 1997 - 19:57:02 MDT

>X-Sender: (Unverified)
>Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 13:57:11 -0800
>To: (Elaine Tschorn)
>From: Elaine Tschorn <>
>Subject: Foresight Electronic Newsletter #3
>Foresight Institute Electronic Newsletter #3
>October 13, 1997
>This is a quarterly email update on nanotechnology from Foresight
>Institute. To stop receiving it, send email to
>In this issue:
>** Fifth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology **
>** CRIT Backlink Mediator adds "The Other Half of Hypertext" to the Web **
>** Recent Technical Progress toward Nanotechnology **
>** News Items from Update 30 **
>** Upcoming Events Calendar **
>** Search engine for Foresight and IMM Web sites **
>** New Page Collects Links to Information about Nanotechnology **
>** Fifth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology **
>- The Fifth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology, to be held
>from Nov. 6-8, with a tutorial on Nov. 5, promises to be the largest and
>most exciting ever.
>- This conference is a meeting of scientists and technologists working in
>fields leading toward molecular nanotechnology: thorough three-dimensional
>structural control of materials and devices at the molecular level. The
>conference will cover topics relevant to the pursuit of molecular control:
>* supramolecular chemistry and self-assembly
>* proximal probes (e.g. STM, AFM)
>* biochemistry and protein engineering
>* computational chemistry and molecular modeling
>* computer science (e.g. computational models, system design issues)
>* natural molecular machines (e.g. flagellar motor)
>* materials science
>* mechanical engineering (CAD) and robotics
>Keynote speaker will be: Richard Smalley, Rice University
> 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
>- For the latest information, see the conference home page:
>and read the article in Foresight Update 30:
> ----------
>- Abstracts are available for all talks and posters to be presented at the
>- Links to the full papers, as they become available, will be found with
>each abstract, and a complete list of the currently available full papers
>can be found at:
>The collection of abstracts and papers for this conference provide one of
>the best resources available to see the state of technical progress toward
>molecular nanotechnology.
> ----------
>- The schedule of speakers at the conference can be found at:
>- Information on the "Tutorial on Critical Enabling Technologies for
>- Complete information on registration, including forms, online
>registration, and accommodations:
>** CRIT Backlink Mediator adds "The Other Half of Hypertext" to the Web **
>Rapid progress continues in Foresight's project to enhance the World Wide
>Web to develop a true hypertext publishing system to facilitate evolving
>social knowledge:
>- Articles describing recent progress can be found at:
>- The CRIT Backlink Mediator is available at:
>- The server has occasionally had intermittent problems. If it is
>temporarily unavailable, try:
>** Recent Technical Progress toward Nanotechnology **
>The best overview of the progress toward nanotechnology along a broad range
>of fronts can be obtained from Jeffrey Soreff's "Recent Progress" columns
>in the Foresight Update. His most recent column can be found at:
>Topics covered this quarter include:
>* applications: a biosensor based on ion-channel switching; mesoporous
>silica designed to bind heavy metals.
>* "foldamers": use of alpha, alpha-disubstituted amino acids and beta amino
>acids to give better control of peptide structures.
>* enzyme design and analysis: importance for catalysis of precise geometry
>at the reaction site and the implication for mechanosynthesis; designing
>catalytic activity into a non-catalytic protein.
>* single molecule techniques: detection of nanometer-scale mechanical event
>by atomic force microscopy; use of a laser to reversibly change the
>electronic state of a single molecule, and its orientation in a host-guest
>** News Items from Update 30 **
>- A Nobel Laureate physicist's lecture on nanotechnology:
>Table of Contents of Update 30:
>- A review by Chris Worth of a molecular modeling software package,
>CambridgeSoft's Chem3D. Worth's conclusion: "It's giving me a real feel for
>how atoms interact...and it's making me ask intelligent questions of my
>bookshelf, replacing the wow-factor that first interested me in molecular
>nanotechnology. It's increasing my understanding of the basic science in
>Nanosystems. But most of all, it's making it more fun."
>- Report on what the media has been saying about nanotechnology:
>- Links to Web sites featuring nanotechnology-related work at The Scripps
>Research Institute, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and in
>- Nanotechnology at the Extropy Institute conference and at the Cambridge
>Healthtech Institute Conference
>- New nanotechnology program in Finland:
>- Announcements of Upcoming Events and conferences:
>** Upcoming Events Calendar **
>See also the more recent Announcements and Events at:
>- Recent announcements include the opening of the new Energenius Centre for
>Advanced Nanotechnology at the University of Toronto in Canada.
>** Search engine for Foresight and IMM Web sites **
>Thanks to the efforts of Senior Associate Peter McCluskey, who has
>installed the shareware search engine "Glimpse HTTP Search" on both the
>Foresight and Institute for Molecular Manufacturing Web sites, it is now
>possible to do keyword searches on the entire contents of the Web sites.
>At the moment, the search function is only accessed from a link in the
>upper right corner of the home page of each Web site:
>Alternatively, you can go directly to the search pages with these url's:
>After a re-design of the Foresight Web site is complete later this year,
>the search page will be accessible from each page in the site.
>** New Page Collects Links to Information about Nanotechnology **
>To help visitors to the Foresight Web site find information on
>nanotechnology, links to various sorts of information have been collected
>on one page:
>This page is still under construction, but so far links exist to:
>- Introductory articles for the general reader that are available on the
>Web, either at Foresight or at other Web sites. Included among these are
>the full texts for the books _Engines of Creation_ and _Unbounding the
>- Introductory articles for more technical readers.
>- Foresight's online nanotechnology bookstore, in association with
>, to provide easy online ordering of books on nanotechnology and
>related subjects. Three books are available here at the moment, but more
>will be added shortly.
>- Technical progress towards nanotechnology: links to "Recent Progress"
>columns in the Foresight Update and to nanotechnology conferences for which
>abstracts and full papers are available on the Web.
>To play a key role in Foresight's efforts, see:
>for more information about Foresight's Senior Associates program.
>- Next event for Senior Associates is a special reception at
>the Foresight Conference, Nov. 7, 8-10 PM.
>James B. Lewis, Ph.D. James B. Lewis Enterprises
>7527 40th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98115-4925
>E-mail: alternate e-mail:
>World Wide Web:
Max More, Ph.D.
President, Extropy Institute:,

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