Re: List problem

From: David McFadzean (
Date: Mon Oct 20 1997 - 13:55:09 MDT

At 01:58 PM 10/20/97 -0400, wrote:
>I can tell that I am only getting a tiny fraction of list traffic (3 messages
>in 4 days), but got my test message sent through Do I need to
>resubscribe at the "" address?

No, everyone that is subscribed to is also subscribed
to; it is the same mailing list.

>Also, is "" dead or just sick? If dead, about a zillion links
>will have to be updated . . .

The domain is on hold presumably because the owner (Harry Shapiro) has
not paid the required fee to InterNIC. My attempts to contact Harry have
been unsuccessful, does anyone know how to get hold of him?

David McFadzean       
Memetic Engineer      
Kumo Software Corp.   

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