Re: Bill Gates

Date: Sat Oct 11 1997 - 16:23:41 MDT

In a message dated 97-10-11 18:18:55 EDT, you write:

<< << Many of us are rather unconventional people, who would not dream of
  putting down something that had actual potential, but we also are mostly
  trained well in the scientific method, so we can see holes in theories,
  as well as outright flaws. If something cannot be experimentally proven
  to work, then it isn't real, and we shouldn't waste our time with it. If
  you want to beleive in unproven or disproven things, thats your
  prerogative, but it shoulnd't be done on this list. If you want to prove
  that something DOES work, then get into the lab and get cracking, and
  come talk to us when you've got experimental proof.
 The thing is I HAVE been providing proof, but yall still wont accept it.
  Such as, the reeds of the crop circles are changed in the chromosones, and
 many of them are also bent at the nodes (which is impossible to do if you
 tried). Thats biology and vision at work. Also, the water-powered cars,
 guy gave directions on how to make them! If you dont believe him make it
 yourself and see. I cant think of the other stuff ive written but they are
 legit, like the sacred geometry site, they're using mathematics for what
 they're doing. You're right, yall are dealing with conventional stuff, but
 there is a mystery to the world that you're just blowing off.

Oops i misread that you said unconventional instead of conventional,


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