
From: Berrie (
Date: Thu Oct 09 1997 - 07:35:57 MDT

Hello all,

A lot of you already helped me with several things.
I just want to say thanks !
Please inform me: is this considered as a "me too" reply
and therefor not wished for to post. ( in this case it's the first
and the last)
I mean, some of you may start to think I only ask for things
and are not contributing in anyway.
Also my command of English Denies me to respond
the way I would like.

I'm learning.............. :-)

Best regards,


Berrie Staring Email :
Member : Excedo Dutch >H
Site: present in november 1997
" if we agree; that what you do to someone....
.....can be done to you....................................
.you know love is an option and violence not"

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