Re: GENL: Welcome New Subscribers!

From: Freespeak (
Date: Tue Sep 30 1997 - 21:46:43 MDT

At 03:59 PM 9/30/97 -0700, wrote:
>BF>Can you tell me a bit about Extroprianism, its relationship to
>anarchism, libertarianism, technology and anti-technology. I am familar
>with the physical immortality (Leary, Leonard Orr etc.), and some of the
>anti-statist concepts. I'd like to learn more, are you folks
>individualist anarchists?
Welcome to the Advanced Freedom Solutions List.

I consider myself an "individualist anarchist" or
"anarcho-capitalist" -- with the twist that I
think I've lived my whole life in anarchy. I've
come across people, and I've heard of many more,
who call themselves, "government," "state," etc.,
but I stopped believing these imposters and liars
about 20 years ago. These issues will be addressed
in the NSPIC debate.

Max More, Extropy cofounder, expressed a similar
view in his article "Deep Anarchy" which can be
found at <>.

There are probably quite a few people on this list
who consider themselves "individualist anarchists";
I've no idea how many.

Regarding Extropianism, I think it's better to
get your answers from the Extropy website at
<> or the Extropy mailing
list -- e-mail <>
with the following command in the body of your

subscribe extropians

Frederick Mann

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