Re: left anarchy, right anarchy

From: Guru George (
Date: Tue Sep 30 1997 - 12:18:59 MDT

On Sun, 28 Sep 1997 09:45:41 -0400
Remi Sussan <> wrote:

>Damien Sullivan wrote :
>>This, of course, begs the question. The anarcho-(socialist,
>>syndicalist, communist) claim is that property, such as owning a car
>>which isn't used 90% of the time, or land you've never even visited when
>>there are landless peasants starving in megacity slums, is theft and
>>coercion. So they would say "the 'right' wouldn't survive without
>>utilizing coercion (oxymoron!), or adapting socialist techniques."
>Exactly. Every act of privatization begins by an enclosure act ("this is
>mine: I will kill anybody who enter here") which is an act of cercion.

Try a change of metaphor and see how it tickles your intuition buds:
you're shipwrecked, starving hungry, walking along a beach. You see a
woman roasting a pig. Are you justified in just grabbing the pig
because her roasting of the pig was an "act of enclosure", and therefore
a dastardly initiation of coercion?

Guru George

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