Re: traveling hopefully

From: Gregory Sullivan (
Date: Tue Sep 30 1997 - 12:01:10 MDT

Regarding Damien Broderick's request:
Below are some stories that treat the "travel" theme. Each has already
been reprinted (multiple times in some cases) which may mean they are
too well known. On the other hand, they each have the imprimatur
of multiple editors.

"Long Shot" by Vernor Vinge. Analog 1972. Reprinted in "War with the
Robots" edited by Isaac Asimov, Patricia Warrick, Martin
Greenberg. Also reprinted in "True Names and Other Dangers" by Vernor

"I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon" (also known as "Frozen Journey") by
Phillip K. Dick. Reprinted in "The Norton Book of Science Fiction"
edited by Ursula K. Le Guin and Brian Attebery. Also reprinted in "The
Collected Stories of Phillip K. Dick. Volume 5" by Phillip K. Dick.

"Semley's Necklace" by Ursula K. Le Guin.
Reprinted in "Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories" edited by Tom

"The Burning of the Brain" by Cordwainer Smith.
Reprinted in "The Rediscovery of Man" edited by James A. Mann.

"Lollipop and the Tar Baby" by John Varley.
Reprinted in "The Norton Book of Science Fiction"
edited by Ursula K. Le Guin and Brian Attebery.

"Think Like a Dinosaur" by James Patrick Kelly.
Reprinted in "Year's Best Science Fiction Thirteenth Annual"
edited by Gardner Dozois.

"Walking the Moons" by Jonathan Lethem.
Reprinted in "Year's Best Science Fiction Eighth Annual"
edited by Gardner Dozois. This story refers to virtual travel
and is not interstellar but might provide an interesting contrast.

Good luck putting your collection together.
Gregory Sullivan

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