Re: Technology Advancements (was: Generation gap)

From: Felix Ungman (
Date: Tue Sep 30 1997 - 02:39:03 MDT

Anders Sandberg:
>But there can also be cultural quantum jumps that doesn't involve new
>physical technology, such as the introduction of mind-maps, modern
>book indexing (which increases usability immensely) or the introduction
>of new notations in science.

I would call mind-mapping a technology, not a sub-culture. But then,
the border between technology and culture is fuzzy. Is transhumanism
a culture or a technology? Or is it just information?

>More philosophically, imagination is likely not limited since it
>can encompass mathematics, and by Gödel's theorem we know mathematics
>is not limited - there are always new, unexpected and unprovable
>theorems. So there will always be things that can be imagined that
>cannot be deduced automatically (finding them may be hard).

Thanks for pointing this out. Now I know what to do when I retire :-)


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