Re: The Free Market

From: Geoff Smith (
Date: Sat Sep 27 1997 - 18:33:56 MDT

On Sat, 27 Sep 1997 wrote:

> On 97-09-27 16:08:09 EDT, (John K Clark) wrote in a note to
> Joao Pedro:
> >Free-markets is not (at least for many people) the best solution
> It's easy to dream up something better, the trouble is they're comparing the
> free market as it actually is, warts and all, >>>> Snip <<<<
> John K Clark
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I fully share John K Clark's confidence in the reliability of the market
> mechanism when its technical requirements are satisfied, but we need to have
> more public discussion on the one big wart that is the mother of all the
> little warts attributed to the free market by its many opponents. That big
> wart, IMHO, is the failure of corporations or governments to remove fixed and
> unavoidable costs from the variable cost data used by product lines or
> households to price their products and services in a competitive market.
> That big wart is very simple, a ten year old can understand it,

hmmm...should I be insulted? Maybe you could elaborate on the statement :
"the failure of corporations or governments to remove fixed and
unaviodable costs from the variable cost data used by product lines or
households to price their products and services in a competitive market"?
I'm older than ten, and I don't know what you're saying.

> but has been
> treated as an act of God in the media, in our schools, and on the internet;
> while the industrial nations have rested content with 5-25% unemployment and
> 2-3% sustained inflation, since the 1890's.

Well, I'd say my country(Canada) is an industrial nation, and no one here
is content with 5-25% unemployment(10% to be precise) It has been one
of the primary platform issues in the last two federal elections.


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