Re: NSPIC = Neuro-Semantic Political Illusion Complex

From: me (
Date: Mon Sep 22 1997 - 19:01:43 MDT

Hello all, I joined the extropy list as a response to Freespeak's
invitation to discuss/debate the NSPIC concept.

For purposes of context, you should know a little about me. I have
always been libertarian in my thinking. Such thought processes come
naturally ... individualism, respect for rights of others, etc...
Truthfully, I had always been an 'outsider' until I discovered the
Libertarian Party where others felt/thought similiarly. Indeed, some
books I had read did indicate that I was not unique, but I didn't meet
the authors ...

I attended government run schools, but since I was more intelligent than
most and learned far more quickly than the curriculum progressed, I was
mostly bored. I did a bit of daydreaming and for the most part endured
the boringness of it all. But, since I could answer the vast majority
of questions correctly without paying attention, I never got sucked into
the brainwashing that goes on there.

I was out of high school for many years before I even realized, however,
that there was brainwashing going on ... and I did fall partially victim
to a bit of false understanding about the world. It was the experience
of the world after leaving school that revealed this.

I think, despite being basically libertarian in my philosophy since
shortly after birth, that there was still an enlightening process that
occured to really awaken my understanding of the world around me and of
the value of my basic approach to life, my basic philosophical outlook.

> political systems are kept in
> place at the deepest and most fundamental level
> by a number of illusions

So, I guess that what I am doing is relating my life in an
oversimplified manor to basically second the above quote. The illusions
begin with the 'political socialization' process in early childhood,
progress through the government run brainwashing centers, called public
schools, and often proceed right on through the interactions and
activities in the workplace. It seems that few people question them,
once cultivated. And fewer still will shed them. Personally, I never
succumbed to the majority of them. But, even so, some illusions still
penetrated my thinking. They were easy to resolve once I had found
others with a similar philosophical base to discuss issues and events.

I never really developed a bad case of NSPIC, which is what I have
called the BGAS (Big Government Addictive Syndrome), but in shaking off
the little case I had, I have noticed that several things are required:
1) Some fundamental knowledge of rights and markets (which requires
some specific classes of metaphysics and epistemology), and
2) Self confidence. Particularly with respect to one's own ability to

> and the unwitting use
> of words that hide and perpetuate these illusions.

Language is crucial ... I think I have taken too much time already
though ... I'll step back and let others discuss now ...

Doug MacDonald

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