Subject: To Norm Maleng

From: Tony Hollick (
Date: Mon Sep 22 1997 - 12:26:38 MDT

% Faxctrl: Faxno=001 206 296 0955
% Faxctrl: To=Norm Maleng Esq., King County Prosecutors Office
% Faxctrl: From=Tony Hollick
% Faxctrl: Subject=Mary Kay Schmitz LeTourneau
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From: Tony Hollick, | To: Norm Maleng (R),
        4, Grayling House, | King County Prosecutors,
        Canford Road, | Seattle,
        Bristol BS9 3NU, | Washington,
        England. | United States of America
        Telephone (0117)-9501894 24 hrs | Telephone 001 206 296 9000
Internet: Anduril@CIX.CO.UK | Fax: 001 206 296 0955

Dear Mr. Maleng,

      Thank you so very much for speaking with me earlier this morning.

      I am not fighting you.

      I am fighting _for_ the Constitution of the United States of
America; and _for_ the rights of all Americans (indeed, everyone
everywhere) -- yourself included -- to life, liberty and the pursuit of

      It is to this cause that I have long pledged my life, my fortune and
my sacred honour.

      I _love_ Mary Kay Schmitz LeTourneau. And I shall rebuild -- with
all my care and resources and intelligence (as well as the resources of my
friends and associates) -- as much of the damage she and all five of her
children have suffered. As far as this may be possible...

      Had she lost Audrey Lokelani under the trauma of the ordeal she was
subjected to, your young daughter Karen would never have allowed you to
forget it or to be able to live with the knowledge. We may thank God that
did not happen.

      With hindsight, if Mary Kay had divorced her husband Steve after he
had tried to make her kill her unborn baby ("your nigger baby' in his
vicious words) and afterr he had repeatedly and with increasing
brutality physically attacked her during her pregnancy, she and the
alleged "victim" in this case could have travelled to Spain, married fully
leagally civilly or in Church under Spanish law (the age of consent in
Spain is 12 years of age), returned to Seattle and lived openly as husband
and wife in a Full Faith and Credit marriage, recognized under Federal

      The Washington State statute under which she is charged has fatal
Constitutional flaws, as has the conduct of the Prosecutiion. I can apply
forthwith directly to the Supreme Court of the United States, asking them
to issue a writ of certiorari.

      However, Mary Kay has said that she would rather serve _seven and a
half years of imprisonment_ than allow violent child rapists convicted and
imprisoned under the statute to be thus freed along with her.

      Should Mary Kay's -- coerced -- plea be upheld on October 17, and
should she be sentenced, it is my understanding that her conviction and
any sentence would be struck down immediately on appeal.

      Amnesty International's American Desk has told me that any attempt
whatsoever to coerce Mary Kay into any 'psychiatric sex offender program'
(which could only have the intention of damaging her love for the father
of her baby) would result in Amnesty's immediately gazetting her as a
prisoner of conscience across the world.

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

      Valery Senderov, a mathematician and physicist, is a Russian
dissident we fought for (with his associates) at the height of the Cold
War. He was tried at the Moscow City Court on February 28, 1983.

      The following report is excerpted from: "Russian Free Trade Unions
and the Trial of Valery Senderov", by my colleague George Miller, who was
for three years Senior Research officer with the institute for European
Defence and Strategic Sudies ("Heritage UK") before becoming Editor of
"Soviet Labour Review". He was Secretary of the East European
Sub-Committee of the Foreign Affairs Panel of the Liberal Pary in the UK.
Mr. Miller is also British Representative of NTS, the principal
anti-Soviet resistance organization which is active within Russia.

" ... the Court was thrown into confusion when Valery Senderov did not
dispute the facts put forward by the prosecution. The 38-year-old editor
of the SMOT (Free Independent Professional Association of Workers)
Bulletin justified his actions by saying that he would not be found guilty
in any democratic country. Senderov told Judge romanov that he accepted
the factual evidence presented by prosecutor Golybe but added:

      "I do not count myself guilty."


      "The whole trial was very quickly rushed through with the minimum
amount of fuss. Indeed, Senderov's relatives were only informed of the
impending trial a few days before it actually took place. That suggests
that the Soviet authorities could not break Senderov during his eight
month detention.

      "Senderov's trial and his behaviour during it is nevertheless an
important development for the russian opposition. The fact that Senderov
did not play the Soviet "legalistic" game ... makes it the most important
landmark in the historical development of the Russian opposition since the
Sinyavsky-Daniel trial of 1965. The outspoken anti-Soviet attitude of
Valery Senderov is a far cry from the 'human-rights' movement, who claim
to be acting within Soviet laws. Senderov, by arguing that the laws
themselves are unjust and based on false premises, has become an example
to follow..." -- From "Free Life" Volume 3 No. 3/4, July [1983], edited
by Tony Hollick and Chris R. Tame.

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

I have indeed discussed Mary Kay's case this past week with:

[1] The Communications Directorate at the Department of Defense;

[2] A former Director of the National Security Agency;

[3] A former OSS officer and Deputy to James Jesus Angleton, for twenty
years a legendary Direcor, CIA Counter-Intelligence. (See the chapter,
"The Theorist" in Robin Winks' fine study, "Cloak and Gown"). He has
asked for papers concerning the case.

   As well as with many other people.

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

      "To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite;
       To forgive wrongs darker than death or night;
       To defy Power which seems omnipotent...
       Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent.
       This ... is to be
       Good, great and joyous, beautiful and free;
       This is alone Life, Joy, Empire and Victory."

            -- P. B. Shelley, "Prometheus Unbound" [1820].

       "My soul, there is a country
        Far beyond the stars,
        Where stands a winged sentry,
        All skillful in the wars."

                      -- Henry Vaughan, [1622-95].

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

      Mr. Maleng:

      For you, these words from your hero:

      "I felt as if I were walking with Destiny, and that all my past life
      had been but a preparation for this hour and this trial."

      Winston S. Churchill (1874-1965), "The Gathering Storm", Ch. 38.

      Help us to prove Claire Wolfe wrong when she argues:

      "America's at an awkward place right now. It's too late to work
      through the system, and too soon to shoot the bastards." >:-}

      Please set Mary Kay Schmitz LeTourneau free and clear now.

      Yours Sincerely,

      Tony Hollick


             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

   | Anduril@CIX.CO.UK * |
- <*> --------------------------* * * *-------------------------- <*> -
   | Rainbow Bridge Foundation * * * Centre for Liberal Studies |
- <*> --------------------------* * * *-------------------------- <*> -
   | 4 Grayling House, Canford Rd: * Bristol BS9 3NU Tel: 9501894 |

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

  "Freedom means doing whatever you damn well please." -- Barry Goldwater

  We are all divine sparks of the Flame Imperishable -- J.R.R. Tolkien

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