Re: copying related probability question

From: Wei Dai (
Date: Mon Sep 22 1997 - 12:30:41 MDT

On Mon, 22 Sep 1997, Hal Finney wrote:

> > If answer set A is correct, and suppose the
> > copying process is slightly defective so that the original can tell that
> > he is not a clone when he wakes up, then you will observe the subject say
> > "the probability that the coin will land head up is 1/2" before he goes to
> > sleep and say "the probability that the coin landed head up is 1/3"
> > immediately after he wakes up.
> Isn't this really the same? If he can tell that he is not a clone when he
> wakes up, isn't that the same as telling him that he is not a clone when he
> wakes up? And in that case, why is the probability of heads 1/2 in one
> case and 1/3 in another?

Notice I said "If answer set A is correct". I was trying to illustrate the
implications of the two answer sets.

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