Re: Election Fraud???

From: Abraham Moses Genen (
Date: Fri Sep 19 1997 - 18:18:30 MDT

Abraham Moses Genen
Being dedicated to the future progress of humankind
should be the prime concern of all civilized beings.
Dear Yak
and other fellow Extropians:

If you wish to study Public Administration you'll find that operating a
Justice system is one of the basic functions of government.
Obviously, this includes those within government service who exceed the
legal and ethical limitaions we have (mostly) agreed on.

Subject: Re: Election Fraud???
Date: Friday, September 19, 1997 1:33 PM

> To YakWaxx
> The answer to your question (below) is no.
> Please use a law dictionary.

To Abraham Moses Genen,

So would "government lawbreaking" be a pleonasm?? According to my law
dictionary it is (government enforced law makes government enforced law

Government only exists with lawbreaking
Lawbreaking only exists with government


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