Re: The darkness and the light

From: Abraham Moses Genen (
Date: Tue Sep 16 1997 - 16:57:23 MDT

Abraham Moses Genen
Being dedicated to the future progress of humankind
should be the prime concern of all civilized beings.
Dear Mr. Elis and other fellow Extropians:
Thank you kindly for understanding my desire for a civilized, productive
From: Keith Elis ('Hagbard Celine') <>
Subject: Re: The darkness and the light
Date: Tuesday, September 16, 1997 2:48 AM

Abraham Moses Genen wrote:

> It seems that Mr. Elis a/k/a Hagbard, believes that my comments darken
> mind. Could it be that he is referring to the alternative definition and
> is simply bewildered?
> The use of the word OBFUSCATORY as Mr. Elis proffers it seems, in some
> sense, a bit sophomoric. Is it possible that despite the breadth of his
> reading he lacks the depth of perception necessary to understand my
> and eglectic philosophies.
> I can understand as well that there are some who choose to reject
> outside their limited experience and the constraints imposed by their
> culture. There are those as well who attempt to transcend the external
> restraints or constraints of their culture and who wish to develop
> understanding.
> Despite such bland rejection as Mr. Elis wishes to present, let us all
> (hopefully including Mr. Elis) search our minds and remove such clouds
> may prevent us from seing far greater realities than we have previously
> considered.
> Can we all say "Cogito ergo sum" and speed onward into unexplored
> thoughts?

I'll let you have the last public word on this since it's relatively off

Sorry to irk you with my unique species of sophomoric humor, no offense
meant. And you are a lyrical writer, perhaps stilted, but it sure sounds
nice. Anyway, I'll keep it above the belt from here on in.

Tabula rasa,

Mr. Elis

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