Re: Hypocrites! (Was: Free Markets)

Date: Tue Sep 16 1997 - 00:28:15 MDT

In a message dated 9/14/97 10:11:54 PM, wrote:

>Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote, in response to some rather (perhaps
>unintentionally) insensitive Holocaust/Nazi references:
>>I still can't write that or read it without tears coming to my eyes.
>>Please stop the Holocaust references. PLEASE.
>Thank you, Eli, for reminding a few people that there are still
>human beings on the other sides of these keyboards.

I liked Eli's post and agree that references to profoundly horribale things
like the Holocaust should include some understanding of what is being
referred to. I don't believe any human, other than a sociopath or psychopath
can understand even a little about the Holocaust without being horrified,
deeply saddened, and moved.

>And in response to Arjen's "grow up/bloody nose" comments:
>This is not a "Toughen up, soldier!" boot camp. This is a mailing list
>for extropians to exchange ideas and criticisms, not insults. We're on
>the same side -- remember?

I though Arjen's point was that while Eli's response to the Holocaust was
appropriate, there are similar things going on today which merit a similar
response. I read it as ideas and criticisms, not insults.

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