Holly's Problem

From: Red Tree International (kekich@third-wave.com)
Date: Sun Sep 14 1997 - 13:52:04 MDT

        Here's something that might make some of your tough times a little
easier Holly (Kekich's Credo). They're about all the tough lessons I ever
learned in life. I hope you can profit from them.

        No one can really appreciate how another reacts to adversity,
problems or situations in general. We can't crawl into each other's minds.
We all react differently. But take some comfort in knowing I got through
(at least adapted to) one of the worst experiences a human body can
experience. My Credo helped me do that... and directly evolved from tose
and other tough times.

        Cheer up. better times are ahead.

        Now read the attached file.

Long and happy life,


David A. Kekich
First Security Capital/Red Tree International
247 Shekomeko Blvd., Suite 107
Johnstown, PA 15905
Tel. 814-255-6005/Fax 814-255-3418. kekich@third-wave.com

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