Re: Free-Markets: Extro-Nazi's or Extro-Saints?

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Sat Sep 13 1997 - 21:47:24 MDT

     Michael Butler wrote:
     The very real experience of people starving to death in Somalia, to
     name another example, includes as causes the fact that some Somalians
     with guns are starving other Somalians without guns, and the fact that
     some Somalians don't consider fish to be people food, and will starve
     rather than eat the unfamiliar stuff. Both of these are cultural; to
     change them would require "cultural imperialism", which we are told is
     a bad thing. Do cultures have rights, or do people?
     Rick Knight responds:
     I find this to be an interesting example because of its philosophical
     implications (sucker for a good quandry). To the question, "Do
     cultures have rights or do people?" I must ask, if people are
     programmed to believe a certain thing and that is all they can
     comprehend (without sufficient time and communication to change their
     thinking) is their perception more important than their physical life?
     Do we let a baby's hand stray toward a hot burner so that it can
     assuredly learn the lesson of heat damage to human flesh? Or do we
     wish to protect the baby's hand from damage and moreover the child
     from pain. If our instinctual parenting directive is to protect
     against lack of experience and knowledge where physical damage is a
     certain and immediate result, should we not intervene with cultures
     who have the same lacking? Logically, would we not want a superior
     off-world culture to intervene had an event like the Cold War
     substantially heated up?
     I'm not a fervent believer in the Prime Directive as you can tell...

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