Re: Extropianis (Protestants in Disguise?)

From: The Low Golden Willow (
Date: Sat Sep 13 1997 - 14:22:29 MDT

On Sep 12, 11:16pm, Mark Grant wrote:

} Can you point out *one* great work of art that didn't require a great deal
} of hard work?

Speaking for myself, I think the objection is to hard work to satisfy
someone else's goals. There's a difference between working 100 hours a
week to produce Babylon-5 and working 80 hours in a fashion industry
sweatshop, or picking fruit, or even 40 hours being the pointy-haired
boss. Not to mention doing this all of one's life.

We automated agriculture, and moved people to industry. We've automated
industry, and moved people to 'service'. We're automating much of
service now. Will we move people to art, science, and playful
engineering? Or even random hedonism?

"If you're so smart, how come a plant has more free time than you do?"

Not that I'm complaining much for my own sake. I'm doing fairly well as
far as life satisfaction goes. And if people were more frugal, less
consumerist, they could be much better off. The father of one of my
friends is an oral surgeon, with quite good income. And constant money
worries, because his expenditures are even greater. And we're not
talking student loans. More like "let's get a new car! Let's get a new
girlfriend!" I have little sympathy.

Still, if it could actually work, I'd much rather live in the Culture
than in the Beyond. Does anyone who has read both Banks and Vinge

Merry part,
 -xx- Damien R. Sullivan X-) <*>

For all the gold Ewan Gillies ever found
Could not buy him peace and freedom
>From the memory of the sound
Of the waves on St. Kilda's rocky shore.

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