FW: Codex Alimentarius - A Plan To Ban All Food Supplements

From: Russell Whitaker (RWhitaker@alphablox.com)
Date: Fri Sep 12 1997 - 15:09:57 MDT

This is unexpected and scary,if true...

Russell Whitaker
Webmaster, AlphaBlox Corporation
"Living in a bookshop is like living in a warehouse of explosives.
 Those shelves are ranked with the most furious combustibles in the
 world - the brains of men." - Christopher Morley
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	FDVanArdoy@aol.com [SMTP:FDVanArdoy@aol.com]
> Sent:	Friday, September 12, 1997 11:32 AM
> To:	Russell Whitaker
> Subject:	Fwd: Codex Alimentarius - A Plan To Ban All Food
> Supplements
> ---------------------
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>  Subject:
>         Codex Alimentarius - A Plan To Ban All Supplements
>     Date:
>         Thu, 11 Sep 97 21:20:53 -0600
>    From:
>         Ben & Ally Maddox <alm@cheerful.com>
> Dear Friend -
> Below is a well written account of what the CODEX Alimentarius
> Commission
> will mean to every American, Canadian and European. Please read and
> stop
> Bill S.830. Write to your Congressman, Senator and local newspapers,
> and
> tell all your friends.
> ___________________________________________________________________
>            Codex Alimentarius - A Plan To Ban All Supplements
>                                    By Jackie Buchanan
>    "Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution, the time
>    will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover
>    dictatorship...denying equal privileges. All such laws are un-
>    American and despotic...
>                           -Benjamin Rush, Physician
>                            Signer, Declaration of Independence
>   Codex Alimentarius, in simple terms, is a  code of law for food.
> What it actually means to each and everyone of us is a threat to our
> health and the health of every human being on this planet.
>   The future availability and legal status of herbs, vitamins,
> amino acids, minerals and all other supplements in the U.S. and
> throughout the world, may be determined by a committee made up of 146
> nations called the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which operates in
> conjunction with the United Nations and the World Health Organization
> (WHO).
>   It is under the guise of protecting public safety through the
> standardization of food and botanical codes that the commission
> may be a tool of the international pharmaceutical industry that
> is intent on making ALL SUPPLEMENTS -herbal or otherwise-
> available by prescription only.
>   Established in 1962 for the purpose of setting international
> standards and codes for foods, the Codex Commission is over-
> whelmingly composed of German and International Pharmaceutical
> Corporations. Over 90% of the international organizations ALLOWED to
> send delegates to the meetings represent giant multinational
> pharmaceutical corporations. The only consumer organization is the
> International Organization of Consumer Unions. NEITHER THE NATURAL
>   Spearheaded by the German pharmaceutical corporations, this
> Codex Commission plans to ban -on a worldwide basis- any health
> statement in relation to any non-prescription supplement,
> preventive, therapeutic, or otherwise. Moreover, any formulas
> which would still be available would have to meet the arbitrary
> restrictions of the Codex Commission. Those nations that do not comply
> with these restrictions are faced with economic sanctions.
>   While researching this article, I came across a letter written
> in 1995 from Matthias Rath,MD to Chancellor Kohl and Members of
> the German Bundersag, prior to the Codex meeting in Bonn Germany
> in 1996.
>      "As a physician and scientist who led the breakthrough in
>      vitamin research which can eradicate heart disease, I feel
>      it is incumbent upon me to address this important matter...
>      as I see it, the attack of the Codex Commission is a
>      desperate act by the pharmaceutical companies to protect
>      their world wide drug market against naturally effective
>      and much more affordable supplements. Particularly disturbing is
>      the role of the German pharmaceutical and chemical corporations
>      within the Codex Commission. Once before in this century, a
>      German pharmaceutical and chemical corporation, I.G. Farben,
>      became responsible for the deaths of millions of people and
>      consequently was dismantled in 1946 by the Nurenberg Tribunal and
>      split into Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. With the current plans of
>      the German pharmaceutical companies, the predictable dimension of
>      the unnecessary and premature death of millions of people is
>      unavoidable. If the Codex Commission is allowed to obstruct the
>      eradication of heart disease by restricting access to nutritional
>      supplements, more than 12 million people world-wide will continue
>      to die every year from premature heart attacks and strokes.
>      Within the next generation alone, this would result in over 300
>      million premature deaths, more than in all the wars of mankind
>      together..."
> When I first read this, I took it with a grain of salt - until I
> came across an article in Issue 14 of the  Alternative Medicine
> Digest, a reprint of  an article that originally appeared in the
> Wall Street Journal on April 25, 1996. The headline read "They're
> Scientific When It Suits Them, But a $1.4-Billion Deal is Better than
> Science." The article opened by saying that if a study which was
> peer-reviewed by 5 independent medical experts had been published in
> the Journal of the American Medical Association in January 1995 as
> planned, American consumers with thyroid problems would have saved
> $356 million a year in drug costs.
>      However, the publication of this article would have wrecked
>      a $1.4-billion deal for its manufacturer, Boots Company, the
>      British pharmaceuticals and drugstore chain. The study documented
>      how Synthroid, which controls 84% of the US thyroid medication
>      market and is used by 8 million Americans, works no better than 3
>      other lower priced drugs.
>      The makers of Synthroid - first introduced in 1958 as a
>      synthetic version of thyroid hormone - had never been
>      required by the FDA to submit proper clinical trial data,
>      like other drugs. An unpatented drug for underactive
>      thyroids,Synthroid's vigorous U.S. sales have been protected
>      by something as good as a patent: the presumption that the
>      competing, lower-priced drugs are not bioequivalent, which means
>      that they are not absorbed and assimilated as fast and as well as
>      Synthroid.
>      The JAMA study proved this presumption wrong and it was about to
>      call an end to Synthroid's free market run. Even worse, the study
>      would have jeopardized Boots' $1.4 billion buy-out by Germany's
>      BASF-AG. How did the study's sponsor, which has invested $250,000
>      to finance the research feel about it? It was the sponsor itself
>      -- none other than Boots   that did everything to discredit the
>      study and block its publication. Quite clearly, scientific
>      evidence takes a backseat to preserving the competitive edge.
>    Another more recent web-site written from a Canadian point of
> view about how Codex will affect Canada goes on to state:
>      In October, 1996, Codex met in Bonn, Germany to make radical
>      changes in the rules governing dietary supplements for member
>      nations. The proposals of greatest concern were those
>      made by the German delegation (see the proposed Draft Guidelines
>      for Dietary Supplements) and is being sponsored by Hoechst, Bayer
>      and BASF. These are the three drug companies formed when the
>      Nurenberg War Trials disbanded IG Farben, manufacturer of
>      the poison gas used in Nazi concentration camps. This is not the
>      first time that the UN has been linked closely with Nazi war
>      criminals. Ostensibly, their purpose is "...to create a
>      set of international standards to guide the world's growing food
>      industry and to protect the health of consumers.
> Can reports from 4 different, totally unrelated sources, be
> ignored? I think not!
> The pharmaceutical company backed proposals call for the following:
>   1. No vitamin, mineral, herb, etc., can be sold for
>       prophylactic (preventative) or therapeutic reasons.
>   2. Natural remedies can be sold as food but they must not exceed
>       the potency (dosage) levels set by the commission. This means
>       that consumer access to dietary supplements will be limited to
>       the RDA dosage as a maximum limit for vitamins (Vitamin C - 60
>       mg. Vitamin E - 15 mg., etc.) Supplements without an RDA (e.g.
>       coenzyme Q10) would be illegal to sell because they would all
>       become drugs.
>   3. Codex regulations for dietary supplements would become
>       binding, eliminating the escape clause within the General
>       Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that allows a nation
>       to set its own standards. This applies to all member
>       countries of the UN. Any nation that does not accept these
>       new standards will be heavily fined by the World Trade
>       Organization (WTO) creating the potential for crippling
>       entire sectors of that nation's economy.
>   4. All new supplements would be banned unless they go through
>       the Codex approval process. Five steps have already been
>       taken in the Codex process over the past few years. Remember
>       Canadian Bill C-7 which was passed eventually in Canada as C-8?
>       The similarity of the process, the secrecy, and the wording
>       between the Codex proposals and the Canadian laws is uncanny.
>       Voting in favor of adopting the German proposals has been
>       overwhelming (16 for 2 against in the most recent vote). The
>       Codex process is now at Step Five - formalization and debate
>       concerning the specific features. In two years, Codex could jump
>       from Step 5 to Step 8 to finalize these restrictions.
>   In the U.S., the FDA has already tried to use guerrilla tactics to
> stop the use of these supplements. The first time I became totally
> aware of their horrendous practices was in the case of ESSIAC, the
> herbal formula that had been researched since the 1920's with
> excellent results in curing, yes I said curing, cancer. Fortunately,
> once their tactics came to light, a nation-wide non-violent revolution
> took place resulting in millions who were appalled at the tactics,
> writing letters and calling their congressmen and the FDA. The end
> result, ESSIAC is now widely available in many forms. Even Respirin,
> the drug company in Canada who owned the rights to the formula has
> started producing it and selling it via magazine ads and in health
> food stores. All of this took place in 1989-1990.
>    In 1992, the FDA raided the Tahoma Clinic in Kent, Washington. The
> FDA alleged that Dr. Wright, MD was engaged in the commerce of foreign
> labeled injectable "drugs" (which were actually vitamins). This action
> interfaced with FDA raids of 17 health food stores in Texas and others
> in Oklahoma, supplement manufacturing facilities in California,
> Oregon, and Washington, and other nutritionally-oriented medical
> doctors across the US. Again, there was a national call to action of
> everyone interested in preserving their rights to make their own
> choices in health care. Letters were mailed and faxed to the White
> House by the millions and once again, the FDA was forced to back off.
> At this same time Bill H.R. 3642/S2135 was in committee and being
> reviewed prior to voting it into  law. This bill would have given the
> FDA the power to put the health food and dietary supplement industry
> out of business. It would have also given them the power to legally
> conduct warrantless searches, seize and embargo products and levy
> heavy fines ($250,000 on individuals and $1,000,000 on companies)
> without a trial. Again, the people of the United States took action
> and through a powerful campaign whereby they voiced their opinions,
> another small battle was won for freedom of choice!
>   In 1995, the FDA attempted to quietly but quickly do away with
> the use of any type of electronic instrumentation (not already
> approved) for use in diagnosing, tracking, or treating illness.
> This would have affected many doctors, dentists, osteopathic
> physicians, chiropractors, etc. Fortunately, they banded together, got
> their scientific studies and documentation together and, after a long
> hard struggle, managed to hold their ground and prevent the FDA and
> other interested parties (pharmaceutical companies and medical
> practitioners who felt that only the usual methods of treatment, ie.
> surgery and drugs should be allowed) from getting their way.
>   Now, here we are in 1997 and BY ALL APPEARANCES, the FDA has
> ceased their efforts to take away our rights to make our own
> choices about healthcare. Their policy with regard to the Codex
> standards is stated in the Federal Register of October 11, 1995
> - FDA Policy on Standards, which states:
>   "It is the intent of this policy to enable the FDA to continue
> to participate in international standards activities that assist
> it in implementing statutory provisions...
> and
>   "The development of an international standard that achieves the
> agency's public objectives is generally, but not always, given a
> higher priority than the development of a domestic standard...
> and
>   "Where a relevant international standard exists, or completion
> is imminent, it will generally be used in preference to a domestic
> standard...
> In considering the above statements about their intentions coupled
> with their past tactics as well as their continuing policy of ignoring
> the public's wishes in protecting health freedom, a public outcry
> against the Codex is again called for. I urge you to educate
> yourselves to what is really going on here. Most of the information
> can be found on the Web. In the past 4 months, I have found only one
> small article about this issue, tucked away in the back pages of Issue
> 18 of the Alternative Medicine Digest which is on the newsstands now.
>   If the German and Canadian proposals are passed, it would
> constitute an effective end run by the pharmaceutical companies
> around the medical rights of Americans. They wouldn't dare attempt to
> do this in the U.S. because there would be such a public uproar it
> would never pass through congress. However, by taking the stance that
> DO ITS UNACCEPTABLE DIRTY WORK. The pharmaceutical companies
> are planning a global takeover of the vitamin-herb industry and
> within a few short years, they will have succeeded by pushing
> competitors out of the field. They are planning to do it very quietly
> and carefully through GATT and the Codex Commission. They will
> succeed if they are not exposed and their plan is not given national
> headlines.
>   This is the last wake-up call that may be given before it is
> too late. It is of the utmost importance that everyone become
> aware and voice their displeasure with the leaders of their
> respective governmental agencies. In the U.S., it is imperative
> that everyone call and write to their local congressmen. Phone
> the White House. Call the FDA. Tell everyone you know to do the
> same. Call your local newspaper and alert them to what is really
> going on here. If we don't take action now, our freedom to choose
> will be taken away without most of us even being aware that it
> had happened!
>                              - About the author -
> Jackie Buchanan has 26 years experience in the medical and
> textbook publishing field. She may be reached at Buchanan
> Publishing, P.O. Box 732 Collinsville, Illinois 62234
> *_____________________________________________________________*
> Also see the following Internet Web Site for further explanation of
> this
> activity.
> http://www.pnc.com.au/~cafmr/hammell/index.html

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