Re: META: Psuedo Science

From: The Low Golden Willow (
Date: Tue Sep 09 1997 - 00:06:04 MDT

On Sep 9, 1:09am, wrote:

} However, the pattern I see is a strong correlation between creativity and
} myth, between imagination and belief, a credulity and gullibility that
} leaves people more open to folly, but also to bizarre ideas... so sometimes I
} do not (most here may disagree with me) wish to devalue "spirituality's"
} function in cultures, but rather seek to find out about it, explore it, to
} find it's function and how we can find a rational alternative - a creative
} reformation.

Simplistically (remember this word) it seems that you suspect a causal link from
spirituality to creativity. My suspicion is that creativity without
criticism leads to spirituality, and what we can try to inspire critical
thinking without depressing creativity at the same time.

Merry part,
 -xx- Damien R. Sullivan X-)

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