25 Questions and Answers about the "Atomic Bomb" (was Re: Kidney-nappers

From: Dan Fabulich (daniel.fabulich@yale.edu)
Date: Mon Sep 08 1997 - 02:49:21 MDT

This was sent to me by a friend, so I don't know who originally authored this.

>1. Is there any evidence that a thermonuclear device exploded over
>Hiroshima in 1945?
>No, absolutely none. According to leading historians and physicists,
>the thermonuclear bomb was not invented until years after the supposed
>detonation over Japanese territory.
>2. Is there any evidence that a uranium-based "atom bomb" was ever dropped
>onto Nagasaki, Japan?
>Absolutely not. While many historians and journalists made this claim
>in the late 40's and early 50's, everyone now agrees that no such
>bomb ever exploded over Nagasaki. Yet there are some who still stubbornly
>cling to this supposed "fact."
>3. What are the materials needed to make an "atom bomb?"
>Uranium-238 and plutonium-239.
>4. Aren't these materials radioactive?
>Highly so. Anybody who attempts to use these materials is endangering
>his/her life.
>5. Is it likely that nuclear scientists in the 40's would be
>handling uranium and plutonium?
>This would be highly unlikely. Very few people felt so threatened
>by the Japanese to be willing to risk their lives on a theoretical
>chance of a superbomb that could end a far-away war a little sooner.
>6. Aren't there witnesses to the atomic bomb in Hiroshima?
>The only "witnesses" that could possibly survived this supposed
>explosion would have been blinded by the intense flash of light,
>so their testimony is quite unreliable and contradictory.
>7. According to conventional historians, was the uranium bomb tested
>before supposedly being dropped over Hiroshima?
>No. There was no testing whatsoever of a uranium bomb in Alamogordo
>or anywhere else before Hiroshima.
>8. Isn't that strange?
>Yes. Typical weapons are tested for months and years before deployment;
>there is no other weapon that according to the accepted "facts" deployed
>before any testing whatsoever.
>9. How many witnesses are there for all of the atomic tests allegedly
>occuring during the fifties and sixties?
>Very few, perhaps a few hundred, who claimed to have seen them.
>10. What did the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy
>Commission say in their report of October 30, 1949?
>They recommended strongly against the development of what they
>called the "Super Bomb," which is simply a thermonuclear
>bomb. They said that "A super bomb might become a weapon of
>11. Isn't this four years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
>Yes. Obviously development of nuclear weapons occurred well
>after their supposed implementation in 1945.
>12. Is radioactivity dangerous?
>Everything is radioactive to some extent.
>13. What was the triggering method of the bomb that supposedly
>was dropped on Hiroshima?
>According to the standard historical accounts, it used a gun-
>assembly trigger.
>14. Wasn't the gun-assembly method of triggering abandoned
>in the design stage?
>Yes; according to these same sources the gun method would not
>work with uranium-derived plutonium-239 because some of the
>plutonium-239 absorbs a neutron to become plutonium-240, which
>undergoes spontaneous fission, all before supercriticality,
>causing a premature and very small explosion that is unusable
>for the very purpose that it was supposedly designed for!
>15. How do conventional historians rectify these two "facts?"
>They don't even attempt to.
>16. How many books have been written about the atomic bomb?
>Many hundreds, as well as thousands of articles in magazines
>and newspapers.
>17. Why was Hiroshima "targeted," and not Tokyo?
>Perhaps because no one had heard of Hiroshima, and no one knew anyone
>from there. It would be far more difficult to claim that Tokyo was bombed
>than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In fact, most world maps from before "World
>War Two" do not even mention these cities at all.
>18. How does Japan benefit from the "atom bomb" story?
>As a direct result of the "war," Japan has received billions of dollars
>worth of US aid for its defense. Japan has essentially no defense
>budget, so it can pour resources through MITI into defeating the US
>economically, all while playing on the emotions of anti-"nuke" activists
>about the "horrors" of nuclear weapons.
>19. Wow, I never thought of that. How else do the Japanese
>benefit from this story?
>The Japanese now own major Hollywood studios, from which many war
>movies are produced. Also, they play upon our sympathy for the
>supposed "atom bomb" to blind us to the fact that this foreign
>nation had taken over our semiconductor industry, many California
>banks and practically the entire state of Hawaii.
>This is all a part of the Japanese plot to take over the world.
>According to the "Protocols of the Elders of the Orient," this
>is a Japanese conspiracy all foretold by their ancient texts
>that very few Anglo-Saxons have the ability to read.
>19. How many people are supposed to have died in the explosions?
>It is hard to say. Some sources say 60,000 in Hiroshima, others say
>140,000. No attempt has been made to rectify the various numbers.
>20. How many people die annually from car accidents in the US?
>Over 50,000.
>21. So, what makes Hiroshima so special?
>Nothing, especially given the contradictory evidence about it.
>22. Boy, I'm mad. What should I do about this?
>Glad you asked. First, send me lots of money so we can spread this
>message far and wide. Maybe we'll take out ads in college newspapers
>or something.
>Second, direct your anger at the Japanese. We are the victims, and
>they are the aggressors. Make yourself feel important again by bashing
>Japan at every opportunity. Japanese people are inherently evil, and
>basically subhuman. They were never bombed, and if they would have been
>they would have deserved it. Who do they think they are, anyway?
>Yes, we Revisionists have all the answers. Life is a lot simpler than
>you thought it was. Join us, and you won't have to be bothered anymore
>by any feelings of guilt for your inherent hatred. We can justify it!
>Oh, it's not the Japanese you hate, but the crippled? Hey - so do we!
>It's easy: we don't like feeling uncomfortable around people in wheelchairs,
>either! Who do they think they are, taking all the good parking spaces
>when they were stupid enough to slip on a banana peel? IT'S A
>CONSPIRACY! --See how easy it is to start? Now, just mix in a few
>real facts, and start converting all of the otherwise messed-up
>people to OUR CAUSE!
>23. Wow! You mean that I could write stuff like this, too?
>Sure! It's embarrasingly easy to write what we wrote above. In fact,
>it's even superior to the usual anti-Semitic revisionist garbage,
>because it has a higher percentage of REAL FACTS! Most of the
>apparent "contradictions" above come from the facts that Nagasaki
>was bombed by a plutonium bomb, not uranium; and that hydrogen
>bombs are thermonuclear, not atomic bombs. Just juggle information
>about the different types of bombs and mix them up so they seem to
>be contradicting each other. It doesn't take ANY INTELLIGENCE
>WHATSOEVER, and you can get lots of free air time on "48 Hours"!
>Oh, I forgot to mention: I have a Japanese girlfriend who agrees
>with EVERY WORD I've written above. Here she is:
>"Yes, I am his Japanese girlfriend. I love him very much, and I've
>always been troubled by my Japanese friends claiming to know people
>who died in Hiroshima."
>There you have it! Just throw some unverifiable opinions on top
>of ridiculous proofs to STRENGTHEN YOUR CASE!
>24. Couldn't I be arrested for this?
>No! This country is founded on FREE SPEECH! But, just make sure
>that you mention how much you are being persecuted for saying
>your version of history. (More than three email messages a day
>qualify for being called harrassment. Five may merit a lawsuit.)
>25. Where can I get more information?
>Go to a library. Take a book at random. Skim it. Then, decide how
>that book is either for you or against you. If it is for you, quote
>liberally and out of context. If against you, do the same.


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