Re: Fuel Cells et al (gas go boom?)

From: Abraham Moses Genen (
Date: Sat Sep 06 1997 - 18:43:02 MDT

Abraham Moses Genen
Being dedicated to the future progress of humankind
should be the prime concern of all civilized beings.
Dear nice people,
When I asked for information about the possible substitution of a fuel
cell operated by hydrogen as a substitute for the internal combustion
engine as proposed and developed by Mercedes, my main concerns, among
others, however, was the possible necessity of re-tooling all of the
automobile plants in the world. The other possible effects would include a
change in some of the balances in powers due to the possible lessening of
dependence on mid-east oil, the controls --if any -- over the production
and distribution of hydrogen as a fuel, the ecological effects and any and
all possible socio-economic changes and other such contingencies.

The dialogue that ensued about the viability and characteristics of
hydrogen were quite interesting and enlightening, however.
It never ceases to amaze me how when you go looking for information,
dialogues often ensue in which you learn about things that you never
Thank you all,
From: Anton Sherwood <>
Subject: gas go boom?
Date: Saturday, September 06, 1997 1:07 AM

Could we have this in English please?

: The person talking about hydrogen flammability limits was very likely
: confusing hydrogen in oxygen limits with hydrogen in AIR limits... two
: very different situations. Yes, flammability limits in OXYGEN are from
: to 15 and 90 to 93.9

Four limits? Two ranges? What do the numbers mean?

: with detonation limits in between (15 to 90% by volume) [...]
: The flammability limits of hydrogen in AIR are 4.0 to 18.2 and again
: detonation limits at from 58.9 to 75% with the 18.2 to 58.9% by volume

Oh, it's parts per hundred? But which way does the ratio run?

"It's so simple, so very simple, that only a child can do it." (TL)

: zone between the detonation limits this is a fuel it has to burn to
: Propane in use everywhere with hardly anyone objecting has DETONATION
: limits from 2.1 to 9.5 in AIR! (would prefer to use hydrogen)

Anton Sherwood *\\* +1 415 267 0685 *\\*

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