NONSENSE: Re: Crop Circles

From: Mark Grant (
Date: Sun Aug 31 1997 - 05:58:47 MDT

On Sat, 30 Aug 1997, Dan Clemmensen wrote:

> Danny, several of the guys who initiated the crop circle hoax have
> come forward. They've explained their methods. There are no instances
> of crop circles that cannot be generated by these methods.

There are also well-known instances where 'crop circle experts' have
identified 'hoaxed' circles as 'real' circles made by aliens because of
features which humans supposedly couldn't reproduce. The 'Circle-Makers'
page on GeoCities is very instructive; I don't have the URL handy, but I
have a link to it from my Web page.


|Mark Grant M.A., U.L.C. EMAIL: |

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