Re: Sandberg 1, Yudkowsky 0

From: Prof. Jose Gomes Filho (
Date: Fri Aug 29 1997 - 12:44:09 MDT

On 29 Aug 97 at 10:17, Anders Sandberg <> wrote
about "Re: Sandberg 1, Yudkowsky 0":

> (Forrest Bishop) writes:
> > >Do we want a singularity where a small nano-elite transcends and
> > leaves
> > >everybodye else in the dust,
> >
> > Sure, as long as moi is in it. ;)
> Yes, I think that is what most of us secretly think. OK, I'm
> an egalitarian and part-time altruist, but I have nothing against
> being part of the ruling elite either...
> > > a Borg-de Chardin
> >
> > This sound clever, but I don't know the reference.
> I assume you know about the Borg from Star Trek (if not, watch out
> for my essay about borganism in next Homo Excelsior). de Chardin
> refers to the jesuit mystic and paleontologist Teilhard de Chardin
> and his pseudoscientific but influential idea of how the 'noosphere'
> of thinking on Earth will get more and more interconnected, until
> it merges into a superorganism which he called the Omega Point
> and identified with Christ (yes, this was the source of Tiplers
> ideas).
> > > singularity where we
> > >all become one,
> >
> > Probably the most boring.
> Maybe, maybe not. Might be fun learning to know oneself.
> > >a cambrian explosion of new kinds of beings
> >
> > My personal favorite.
> Me too. Diversity is FUN!

****** I add, nevertheless: without loosing the *individuality* as
a possible ( and freely chosen ) state... (more to say but I've no
time for while...)

Prof. Gomes

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