Re: Microbe Fossils-Mars

Date: Wed Aug 27 1997 - 17:50:02 MDT

In a message dated 97-08-24 20:48:11 EDT, you write:

<< There was a letter to Nature a few months ago that discussed the
 of life spreading throughout the galaxy via the spread of spores. The idea
 was that a sizeable impact with Earth, or like body, would put some spores
 into space. I can't remember the details, but the idea was that if you
 assume a small piece of soot with spores inside you could expect them to
 survive millions of years. Once in space they would slowly spread outwards
 from the sun under the pressure of solar radiation until they perhaps
 reached another solar system and fell to a planet with suitable conditions;
 where they could start the process of life all over, or perhaps out compete
 whatever organisms had evolved separately.
Terence McKenna uses that argument to suggest that intelligence was
transported to this earth via psychedelic mushroom spores.


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