Re: Government's war against it citizens

From: Len Flatley (
Date: Sun Aug 24 1997 - 15:59:18 MDT

On Sun, 24 Aug 1997, Arjen Kamphuis wrote:
> Maybe it would be worthwhile to try to break the armrace between a number
> of citizens and American law-enforcement agencies.

        that would be fine, arjen, but the fact of the matter is that
        all the cases that WaxYack or whatever his name is mentioned
        -- ruby ridge, waco, gordon kahl (i am quite familiar with all
        the above), as well as many he didn't mention -- move being the
        one that comes to mind firt ... were all US Gov't "show cases".

        the fact of the matter is, none of the above incidents were
        precipitated by violence on the part of those which eventually
        got immolated.

        your suggestion that "if americans got rid of their guns the
        gov't would have no reason to crack down on gun owners" is
        tantamount to saying that "if uppity women don't insist on their
        right to vote than the gov't won't have to crack the heads of

        a way to end violence, perhaps, but in no way a solution.

        i respect that the dutch don't own personal firearms. i'm
        glad that it works for you. i wager to guess that there are
        a large number of other differences between your country and
        the USA. i suspect that looking at those differences will
        give you an idea of the REAL causes of crime, and why the USA
        suffers so much.

        but, a quick look at the statistics governing all kinds of crime,
        in all sectors of the american populace will show you,
        IMH (extropian) Opinion, things are getting better!

                                        I HAVE NEVER SEEN A SITUATION SO
                                        DISMAL THAT A POLICE OFFICER
                                        COULDN'T MAKE IT WORSE.
                                                Brendan Behan
J. L. Flatley
Velocity.Net Public Access Internet

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