Fwd: PRO/PL> Microbe fossils - Mars

From: Enigl@aol.com
Date: Wed Aug 20 1997 - 21:09:12 MDT

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Date: 97-08-20 15:22:07 EDT

A ProMED-mail post

Source: newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo, Aug.1, 1997 No. 834 - Noticias de
C&T - Servico da SBPC [in Portuguese]
Via: JC E-mail netrio@www.sbpcnet.org.br

[Excerpt translated by Mod.JW]

NASA scientist Richard Hoover announced the finding of fossil structures in
the shape of fungi and other [microbial] forms in a meteorite from Mars that
fell in Australia in 1969. This meteorite is different from the one in
which fossil microbes were reported to have been discovered last year.

The announcement was made at a conference in San Diego, California (USA), on
the search for alien micro-organisms.

[One assumes that sources of terrestrial and laboratory contamination have
been ruled out - Mod.JW]

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