My Crazy Idea

From: John K Clark (
Date: Sat Aug 16 1997 - 23:40:26 MDT


On Sat, 16 Aug 1997 (Dan Clemmensen) Wrote:
>I suspect that we can derive the greatest amount fo computational
>power per mass by converting as much mass as we can to neutonium.
>By the tine we know how to do that, we'll also know how to build
>nurtonium nanotech. The reason that neutronium computers are faster
>is that they are a lot smaller, so the internal signals don't
>have to travel as far. The speed-of light delay has always been
>an important constraint on supercomcuter speeds, and is now
>becoming important on workstations. Other things being equal(!)
>a neutonium computer should be thousands to millions of times
>faster than a computer of the same mass made of normal atoms.

Ok, I'll tell you my crazy idea.

The closest thing we have to a theory of quantum gravity and figuring out
what things are like at less than 10^-33 cm is Superstring Theory.
It postulates that all "elementary" particles are made up of one dimensional
strings that vibrate in 10 dimensions of space-time, 9 of space and 1 of time.
The reason we don't notice the other 6 spatial dimensions in everyday life is
that they are curled up so tightly that they only become significant when you
approach the Plank Length.

It is possible to pack an infinite number of 3 dimensional objects in a
9 dimensional space and have all the objects be arbitrarily close to each
other, in fact just 4 dimensions would do. This means that an infinite number
of objects could communicate with each other in an arbitrarily short amount
of time, even if the objects are not infinitely small and even if the signal
only travels at the speed of light, or even less.

So now we have a God who is limited by the Plank time to a finite clock speed
of only 5.38 * 10^44 ticks a second, but who has an INFINITE ( and not just
astronomical) number of processors running in parallel. He can perform an
infinite number of calculations in just one tick of His clock.

                                             John K Clark

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