Hi there...what's your Spike number?(was SPIKE: The Index!)

From: Forrest Bishop (forrestb@ix.netcom.com)
Date: Fri Aug 15 1997 - 00:36:52 MDT

Not exactly my most meaningful document:
Hi there!....What's your Spike number?

Drexler, K. Eric 6, 32-33, 40-42, 47, 51-56, 60-83, 86-87, 90-95, 99,
101-111, 113, 119, 122, 126, 148, 177, 212, 218-219, 249-250, 256-257, 269
{76}++ (first the slings and arrows, now the big Spike)
Vinge, Vernor 1, 5-6, 30, 42-45, 103, 124-128, 130-132, 135-137, 139-140,
142, 144, 152-155, 158, 165-166, 168, 190, 219, 256, 271
Merkle, Ralph 6, 28, 32-33, 54-56, 62-68, 75-76, 94, 95, 101-102, 107,
257, 272
Moravec, Hans 6, 30, 33-38, 58, 177, 182 187, 191, 207, 235-243, 257, 270
Augustine (Lyle Burkhead) 99-101, 103-106, 109, 111-116, 118, 123, 156, 257
Tipler, Frank 224-228, 230-231, 233-235, 244, 252-253, 269, 271
{15}(Our Omega, who art at Big Crunch)
Clemmensen, Daniel 50-51, 93, 95-100, 127, 140-141, 157, 257
Hanson, Robin 100, 142, 157, 175-182, 184, 257, 272
Yudkowsky, Eliezer S. 189, 216-222, 235, 257, 272
Stine, G. Harry 13-17, 47-48, 95, 153, 220
Clarke, Arthur C. 12-13, 32, 74, 107, 184, 244, 256, 269
Stix, Gary 61-65, 75, 95, 257, 271
{9} (Huh??)
Sandberg, Anders 152, 155, 234-235, 250-251, 257, 272
Lem, Stanislaw 119, 145, 246-250
Porter, Mitchell 223, 231, 235, 242, 251, 257, 272
Regis, Ed 7, 39-41, 108, 256
Bishop, Forrest 100, 114-115, 119, 257
{5} (right next to Hawking, yeah dat’s it.)
Hawking, Stephen 44, 127, 159, 185, 230
Clark, John K. (see Pelagius) 86-87, 90, 95, 257
Ettinger, Robert C. W. 7, 27-29
Feynman, Carl 62-63, 75
Feynman, Richard 32, 61-62
Witham, Stephen 244-245, 246
 Andreessen, Marc
{1} Probably for "shitloads of money" pop-off)
Toffler, Alvin
{1} (Hey, the future just ain't what it used to be.)

Transhumans 1, 6-7, 18, 29, 97, 99, 145-146, 152, 155, 168, 187, 190,
216-219, 223, 229, 241-242, 251, 253, 257, 271
Posthumans 1-2, 6, 97, 144-145, 153-156, 168, 219-226, 253-254
Extropians 7, 97-99, 147, 155, 167, 200, 209-210, 245, 257, 271

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