Emotions: The Easy Part

From: Rick Knight (rknight@platinum.com)
Date: Wed Aug 13 1997 - 09:54:03 MDT

     Eliezer wrote:
     The stereotype of emotionless machines, therefore, is misplaced on
     technological grounds. We might - I say *might* - be able to divorce
     the emotional processes from the rational, and deliberately build
     emotionless machines. Perhaps not. The emotions started out as
     instincts; they are probably the single longest-evolved part of the
     brain. So they might be so simple and physiological - so directly
     programmed - as to be easily untangled. Or they might act as a
     coordination center for the rest of the brain. It could go either
     way; probably both.
     Rick Knight responds:
     As for me, I only want my computer to emote when it is reading to me.
     I already have a screen saver "Pet" that gets forlorn when it is not
     paid attention to. I get defensive of it when people play roughly
     with it...AND IT'S A PROGRAM! A cartoon dog with some interesting
     tricks. I don't want to devote one iota of emotion catering to a
     desk-bound lonely CPU! <G> I have enough human CPUs and their stuff
     to deal with. So, like in Star Trek:First Contact, if we can just ask
     our emotional machines to switch off emotion when we deem it
     convenient, that would be great. Matter of fact, if we could get our
     partners to do that...just kidding..

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