Flavors of Eternal Life (was Extropy in the Personal Sphere)

From: Rick Knight (rknight@platinum.com)
Date: Mon Aug 11 1997 - 11:22:24 MDT

     Brent Allsop wrote:
     If people could just hear the rational truth instead of all the
     twisted logic propaganda. Religion is the one that tells them science
     means death, but this is now a lie. Successfully communicating the
     truth and remove this single "one-up" item and I bet the tables will
     quickly turn for many people. "Don't give up in despair and accept
     that there must be death and suffering even when there is an all
     powerful God, have faith that, with a bit more power than what man now
     has, death and suffering, as we know know it, can be eliminated!"
     Rick Knight responds:
     I suppose it has a parallel to the modern Christian Scientists who
     have been known, in certain devout situations, to withhold themselves
     (and their CHILDREN!) from practical and available medical attention
     and instead chose prayer, laying on of hands etc.. Even when I was a
     practicing Christian, this seemed ludicrous (the notion being that I
     should at least be able to empathize with them since they were calling
     upon God for aid). But I also chose to believe that if a divine
     influence was working in the world, it didn't work exclusively in a
     supernatural/miraculous way. Being a physician, a specialized one at
     that, is no cakewalk and requires not only intellect but devotion (a
     little generalization in not acknowledging quackery). That's not
     miraculous!? With all the dregs that are more ballast for humanity
     than they are contributing elements, it seems very extraordinary.
     If one DOES believe in God, would one deny themselves available
     medical treatment? Hmmm, this actually gives me a different spin on
     cryonics. I'll continue pondering the viability. My stop gap is
     still not that I don't *care* whether I die, I just have this very
     deep conviction, intuitively, that I am more than a biological
     computer. This seems to be the "given" in embracing cryonics and I'm
     just not there. Though that may defy logic in the eyes of some, I use
     more than one internal organ to determine my actions (note to the
     left-brained: I'm being metaphorical).
     At this point, cryonics is about as viable as mormonism <G>. Yet the
     level of intellect on this board suggests there must be some further
     studying to be done and there must be compelling evidence that
     cryonics has a good chance of working. The logic of "even if it's not
     very likely (reanimation), it's better than rotting in a grave" sounds
     suspiciously like "if you don't accept Jesus, you'll burn in hell." A
     personal trigger for me.

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