More social genetics...

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Tue Aug 05 1997 - 09:59:40 MDT

     There must be some serious cultural differences going on here...
     Prof. Gomes writes (and I have rephrased for clarity):
     I repeat that the psychological external factor is important and lots
     of blacks will love themselves and their lives more when they can
     make genetic skin-hair-eyes treatment...they already try to
     straighten their hair...
     Rick Knight responds:
     Having been raised in the south with parents who were, at least, by
     default, racist and also having to spend most of my life carefully
     deprogramming myself and make the distinctions of whatever inate
     aversion I still have towards certain groups of people (usually
     class-based), it is quite a sensitive issue to hear such gross
     generalization about race. One such generalization is the assertion
     that people of color "already try to straighten their hair". Hello?
     Like we haven't been doing everything under the sun to our looks in
     the predominantly white culture. The thing is, the cosmetics industry
     has been catering to that majority for much longer. Only recently
     have people of color had quality personal care products to alter their
     The other statement that people of color will love themselves more
     when they can alter their appearance also smacks of some programming.
     That notion spans the breadth of western culture in all races where
     they don't have to spend each day worrying about survival issues. If
     those bases are covered, you start worrying about how to get
     prettier/more noticeable/more clout. (For the genuine geek, that
     means: how to get more gear <G>).
     We're programmed to dislike our personal appearance in one capacity or
     another. Hair texture/color, eye color, skin w/ wrinkles, w/ acne, in
     need of a tan, flat stomach, prominant chest, you name it! That way,
     a multi-billion dollar industry can keep its wheels spinning at a
     feverish pitch.
     And IF there are people of color who DO dislike themselves and the way
     they look in this culture, it's likely because the majority has spent
     several centuries chanting the mantra of them not being good enough in
     some capacity. It wouldn't be hard for me to draw the connection
     between the way I looked and the availability of prosperity to the
     group to which I resembled.

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