Re: POEM: "Sonnet On Future Progress"

From: Prof. Jose Gomes Filho (
Date: Mon Aug 04 1997 - 13:07:22 MDT

> From: "E. Shaun Russell" <>
> Sonnet On Future Progress
> I am here-- uploaded and unafraid
> Of the technology great minds have made;
> The projects of dreams: now reality,
> Are revered by few but embraced by me.
> I have surpassed the fated social trend
> To exist instead of live-- to depend
> Upon an authoritarian God--
> I have learned that all such beliefs are flawed.
> I welcome the change tomorrow will bring,
> And acknowledge my reason for being;
> I will not die-- I will not be death's slave,
> I'll transcend the boundaries: I will be more,
> I shall surpass all mortal limits, for

We really just win completely, when we get to explain the other's
behaviour and reasons...
And we have to admit that the wish to "surpass all mortal
limits" is almost as old as mankind itself... It explains much
of the religious delyrium, specially Christ's and Christ based
ones... Just nowadays, such wish is getting more feasible in

> The purpose of life should not be the grave.
> By: E. Shaun Russell

Prof. Gomes

Thanks for visiting my web site.

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