META: attachments

From: John Blanco-Losada (
Date: Mon Aug 04 1997 - 06:43:38 MDT


Please, can we all agree to configure our email clients so that they
don't send automatic attachments? I've received 5 "vcard.vcf" files from
a member of this list in the past 3 days which, since I don't use
Navigator/Communicator, are nothing but clutter on my desktop. The same
goes for those of you whose clients send along MIME files with each

It's a good idea to check the default preferences for any application
before you start to use it...



Now let's get back to figuring out how to make a compelling movie about a
way to use the many worlds theory of QM to freeze Arthur C. Clarke's
brain... ;-)

 John Blanco-Losada "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - M. Gandhi

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