
From: Rick Knight (rknight@platinum.com)
Date: Mon Aug 04 1997 - 00:47:39 MDT

     John K. Clark wrote (I'm compelled to reprise this as a gesture of how
     compelling it was for me and to make sure it's not missed in the large
     bundle of weekend posts):
     Racism exists because most animals probably have a gene(s) that makes
     them feel that their mate should not look very different from the
     average. It's not a totally bad idea because those who look very
     different are often ill, so this improves the odds that their mate is
     healthy and that means more children are produced who also have the
     gene. Like any simple rule of thumb it can sometimes make horrible
     mistakes and become downright ridicules, particularly when you put it
     into a different and much more complex environment like the modern
     world. Such caned programmed responses are best for an animal with a
     brain the size of a squirrel, but Humans are smarter than squirrels
     and can do better, unfortunately they still have that dumb gene.
     If you're wondering why so many Extropians have such a low tolerance
     for anything that has the slightest hint of a racist smell, it's
     because racism has never made one thing of value and in fact, with the
     exception of religion, no meme has ever produced more misery in the
     Rick responds:
     Very eloquent in your last paragraph and I'm quite intrigued by the
     genetic origin of racism. It makes immediate sense to me that of
     course, it would trigger some sort of primitive concern in our make up
     that it would be risking the integrity of the tribe/species because of
     the visual information the primitive minds received to make such
     judgments. If it looks different, it is suspect. This rings so true
     for me and I'd like to ongoing discuss its ramifications and
     (hopefully) get away from this banter about "gene" and "meme"
     "supremacy". Paging down through it was making my finger sore. <G>
     Rick "lacking adequate filtering mechanism" Knight

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