Re: SHIVA (was: Re: "While I'm sitting here drinking coffee...")

Date: Wed Jul 30 1997 - 07:26:23 MDT

In a message dated 97-07-30 00:22:29 EDT, you write:

 I assume the reference is to SHIVA DESCENDING, one of the first of the
 current flood of `hammeroid' novels and made-for-TVs and Spielbergs... >>'s earlier than that...but I think I do remember the one you
mentioned...kinda like LUCIFER'S HAMMER by Pournelle and Niven?

The one I refer to is by an obscure author whom I haven't seen before or
since...Now that I think about it the giggle factor is quiet a bit higher
that fact the Ionisphere to Ground short is about the only
beleivable thing about it....and that's why it stuck in my head I
guess...kind of a Velokovsky type story...explains Noah, Mythology...etc prehistoric civilization...

Anderson Indiana

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