Re: Misuse of term "Evolution"

From: Guru George (
Date: Sun Jul 27 1997 - 02:34:22 MDT

On Sat, 26 Jul 1997 17:53:31 -0400 (EDT) wrote:

>IMHO the word "Evolution" is being consistently misused. Reference prior
>examples such as "higher" evolution..."more" evolved...and my favorite
>This implies that natural evolution is directed...has a moral sense...has
>>From reading the works of a leader in the field of Evolution , Richard
>Dawkins, (The Selfish Gene, Blind Watchmaker, Rive out of Eden)I have a
>different impression....namely that evolutionary pressures are relative to
>the current situation. Something that was beneficial in the past may NOT be
>benificial now...such as sickle cell enemia. (remembering that you can't
>only do just one thing...and neither can nature)

Enjoyed your post. Have you heard of the new science of evolutionary psychology
, BTW? It is concerned with just the point you mention: that some of our
human nature evolved over a long, relatively stable period of time, to
deal with a certain kind of life, which we no longer live. The most
obvious example: we love sweet and fatty things. Now they are so easy to
get that we do ourselves damage by gorging ourselves on them.

Guru George

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