META: Clubhouse or Outreach

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Fri Jul 25 1997 - 10:25:34 MDT

     Michael Butler wrote:
     I freely grant that I should learn more diplomacy. Thank you for the
     reminder. Perhaps some of the other correspondents to this list should
     learn more science. Perhaps not.
     Rick Knight responds:
     You're very gracious. I was a little pensive that I was potentially
     starting a flame (fanning them bores me <G>).
     I dodge the more sensational threads. The current thread on techno
     music (although I'm an occasional raver at 39!) doesn't charge me
     either. I loved the the implications on uploading although it got a
     little dry after a while. This list is addictive to me (YIKES, I'm
     being assimilated) and I can essentially go with the flow. Balance is
     my middle wait, it's Brian...or does it have a "Y". Where's
     my license?

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