FYI:World Wide Criminology: An Electronic, Multi-Disciplinary & , International Journal of Criminology! (fwd)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Thu Jul 24 1997 - 23:46:04 MDT

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 24 Jul 1997 22:12:48 GMT
From: Signe Maria Bengtsson, Director <>
To: "bionet.neuroscience mail newsgroup" <>
Subject: World Wide Criminology: An Electronic, Multi-Disciplinary & International Journal of Criminology!



Call for contributions

World Wide Criminology (WWC)


An Electronic, Multi-Disciplinary & International Journal of Criminology.

Academics, amateurs and practitioners are invited to submit contributions
that meet the following criteria:

World Wide Criminology is a multi-disciplinary journal that publishes
contributions concerning the study of social origins of criminal law, the
administration of criminal justice, crimes, the causes of criminal
behavior, criminals, and the prevention and control of crime, including
individual rehabilitation and modification of the social environment.

Academic Discipline:
World Wide Criminology is a multi-disciplinary and cross-theoretical
journal and will publish contributions that emanate from scholars, amateurs
and practitioners in all relevant disciplines, such as: anthropology,
criminal justice, ethology, forensic science, genetics, law, physiology,
police science, psychiatry, psychology, social work, and sociology.

In keeping with the multi-disciplinary approach, World Wide Criminology
will publish contributions employing a broad range of methodologies:
quantitative, qualitative, historical, philosophical, etc. The main purpose
is that the material should be of interest to people working or interested
in areas as criminology, correction and probation, criminal justice,
delinquency, deviant behavior, forensic, law enforcement, policing,
psychiatry, and social work.

Aims and Scope:
World Wide Criminology will be a high quality, multi-disciplinary,
cross-theoretical and a wide-ranging electronic publication for the
advancement of criminology, and various issues associated with criminology
such as; penology, criminal justice, law, policing, psychology, psychiatry,
sociology, law enforcement, social work, and forensic science. The purpose
with the publication is to create a world wide electronic forum for the
sharing of knowledge in these areas to interested all over the world. The
publication will be devoted to cover and publish the latest international
developments and to give its readers interesting discussions, reviews,
editorials and news.

The journal is being made available free of charge to interested
individuals and organizations.

Contributions to World Wide Criminology:
The Journal's policy is to attract as broad a range of contributions as
possible. These are essentially of ten types;

Case and Technical Reports:
Brief accounts of a technique, research of limited scope, or unusual cases.

Articles and Papers:
Studies covering a certain topic in depth.

Research in Progress:
Summary reports of innovative ongoing research programs on a wide range of
topics germane to the field of criminology, and various issues associated
with criminology, such as; penology, criminal justice, law, policing,
psychology, psychiatry, witness psychology, sociology, social work, law
enforcement and etc.

Brief accounts of a relevant book or article containing personal viewpoints
or expressions.

Brief accounts of a relevant national or international occurrence, event,
assembly, conference, etc.

Essays or descriptions of relevant material containing personal viewpoints
or expressions.

Brief communications discussing a previously published paper, commenting on
Association business, or providing general information.

Information about Journals and Literature:
Brief communications providing general information to the Journals readers
from Company's that are publishing relevant Journals and Literature.

Information about Education:
Information from Schools and University's that offer courses in relevant

Information about organizations, departments, and institutes:
Communications providing general information about an relevant
organization, department, or institute.

The editor also welcomes proposals for Special Issues.

Since the journal is being made available free of charge to interested
individuals or organizations, is there therefore no possibility to pay any
fee to contributors. All material in World Wide Criminology is written free
of charge. World Wide Criminology is being made entirely through idealistic

Submission instructions to contributers:
If you after reading this short information about World Wide Criminology
are interested in participating with contributions, then;
Instructions to authors:
(1) Inquiries, full contributions, or outlines of proposed contributions,
should be sent to the Managing Editor, Director Signe Maria Bengtsson,
e-mail address:
(2) Contributors must include their full name and e-mail address, and
where there is a joint authorship of a contribution, indicate who should be
approached for offprints.

(3) Contributions should not exceed 30 pages in length.

The complete Guidelines for preparing contributions to World Wide
Criminology, will be sent on request and also published in the first issue
of WWC in august.

If you want to announce a subscription for the World Wide Criminology
(remember that subscription of the WWC is free of charge to both
individuals and organizations), just send an e-mail to either;
or, The message should contain the following
subject-line" "Subscription WWC": In the e-mail message you should write
the e-mail address(es) were you want to receive WWC.

Signe Maria Bengtsson, Director

Stockholm Institute of Criminology
Stockholm; Sweden
E-mail address:

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