Terrence McKenna

From: Rick Knight (rknight@platinum.com)
Date: Wed Jul 23 1997 - 10:52:37 MDT

     Rick Knight wrote:
     The tropical variety of psychedlelic mushroom is very brightly colored
     (red cap with white spots---Alice was quite taken with them).
     Hara Ra pointed out:
     I think not. Not as described in McKenna's tapes of his Amazon
     adventures. And Amanita Muscara has NO psilocybin in them, and grows
     under birch and pine trees, not often encountered in the tropics.
     I respond:
     I'm no botanist. I've seen pictures (the cover of my psylocibin
     grower's book has one) and I was making a literary connection with
     Lewis Carroll's fanciful tale and the use of psychedelics.
     Regarding the use of psylocibin, I have to share an experience I had
     where I began with a THC cookie and then took mushrooms. I have no
     prolfic interest in mathematics and prefer more audio-visual art
     forms. I laid in my dark bedroom to trip (it's more reverent and
     you're not distracted by visual sensory stuff--you go deeper).
     I hallucinated (eyes closed) an extremely elaborate and intricate
     picture, on the order of something M.C. Escher might have attempted.
     It was multi-dimensional and incredible to observe. I thought that it
     would be neat to observe it more up close. As soon as that "wish"
     occurred, I "zoomed in" on on of the tiniest connecting lines of the
     picture and discovered that it was a veritable "interstate" of
     mathematical equations moving back and forth along the "line". It was
     Coming out of that trip, I had a newfound appreciation for the impact
     of math (particularly geometry) on the advancement of civilization. I
     can rarely look at anything now without appreciating the lines and
     arcs of its make up.

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