Re: 5/5/2000

From: Hara Ra (
Date: Tue Jul 22 1997 - 15:24:15 MDT wrote:
> Chris Carter series `Millennium' was shown here in Oz the other night, in
> which the Grand Key to It All (maybe) is revealed as an impending planetary
> line-up of seven planets, all neatly on the same side of the sun as the
> earth, in May 2000.
> Hi, yes it will happen, but I heard that all the rest of the planets were
> gonna be on the other side of the sun than us. Either way there will be an
> allignment. Also, many people, including scientists and researchers, believe
> that there will be a pole shift on that day, in which the pole will shift on
> its axis with antarctica going to the equator. There's lots of stuff to back
> up this theory, such as there being trees on antarctica and the ancient
> egyptians saying that the sun used to rise in the west. There's lots of
> books on the subject. Oh ya, the big thing, all the cataclysms that are
> suppose to occur on that day, earthquakes, 500 mile an hour winds(although i
> think that all the winds will turn into lots of hurricanes, dropping the
> windspeed to 200+), 300 ft tidal waves, widespread freezes, and sea levels
> rising (from Antarctica going to the sea, either by sliding off, due to the
> momentum and because it is slippery where the ice meets land because ice
> turns to sludge with a lot of pressure, causing tidal waves for slipping in,
> or it will eventually melt). But the main thing is the shift in
> consciousness it will bring.
This exceeds my tolerance level. Post stuff like this on the
psychoceramics list,
not the Exi list. Reading the Exi FAQ might be enlightening. Does anyone
recall the "Harmonic Convergence" ??? (WARNING: Rhetorical Question

| Hara Ra <> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |

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