Re: Extropian Lurker Gets New 'Puter!Joins the fray...

From: Sarah Marr (
Date: Tue Jul 22 1997 - 03:39:52 MDT

Hi Rudi. Welcome to the list.

At 03:02 22/07/97 -0400, Rudi Hoffman wrote:

>I just wanted to post a brag about my new Compaq Presario 4814...
>Anyway, it is a screamer! 233 MMX, a 100 meg Zip drive, 24 speed CD rom, 32
>MB SyncDram (How is this different than regular RAM, I wonder?), a 56K modem,
>and an astonishing 6.5 GIG hard drive. And a 17 inch moniter with seamlessly
>integrated speakers!

I always think the best things about computer specifications are that they
give one a chance to have a good laugh at the primitiviness of technology
when reread in x years time. (Where x increasing tends to zero.)

As for Negroponti: didn't you find his book a little lacking in enthusiasm
or inventiveness? Perhaps it's just because of the audience at which it is


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