Key Breakthrough in Human History

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Mon Jul 21 1997 - 09:03:21 MDT

     Guru George said:
     I would be *very* cautious about this. What worries me is this
     there's a lot of evidence to suggest that infants are a bundle of
     expectations - possibilities waiting to be fulfilled by events in the
     world. This is how nature and nurture interact, in the broad sense.
     Artificial wombs would have many positive benefits, for sure, but I
     worry that infants raised in them might be mentally disturbed by the
     lack of typical womb-like sounds and sensations, and also the
     responsiveness and 'feedback' or 'communication' between mother and
     child in-womb (e.g. infant shifts position, mother shifts position,
     stuff like that).
     Rick comments (relative to a previous assertion about the "intent of
     Maybe nature doesn't have a conscious intent like how we think of it
     to be. However, this was my very thought when people here started
     lauding this as "Yippie" we're human free! I, too, am rather curious
     about the resultant being who has no human connectivity during its

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