The Intent of Nature

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Sun Jul 20 1997 - 18:36:02 MDT

     I said in a post regarding planetary impact of "taker" cultures:
     "Since we've evolved beyond what nature intends ...looks like there is
     still some evolving to do..."
     EvMick responded:
     I would recommend books by Richard Dawkin. "Selfish Gene, Blind
     Watchmaker, River Out of Eden" to back up my assertion that nature
     doesn't "intend" anything.
     I respond:
     Thanks for flagging that. I wasn't "intent"ionally imbuing sentience
     into nature (but not presuming to deny a planetary consciousness
     I also want to clarify what I think is an impression that ancient
     civilizations lived passively to the environment. Certainly the
     ancient empires wrought their havoc on their "world" in ways similarly
     to the way we are today. I should stress that it's not the aggressive
     world dominating powers that malign the planet that is preferable over
     the simple aboriginal whose survival is based on the elements and
     their ability to outwit it or be lucky. There's a place in between
     though where everyone would be better off I would guess.

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