FY;)[Pigdog] X-Com vs Extropians (fwd)

From: Eugene Leitl (Eugene.Leitl@lrz.uni-muenchen.de)
Date: Sat Jul 19 1997 - 02:36:43 MDT

See? See?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 21:46:21 +0000
From: Quaker State Tapioca Rupture <rupture@crl.com>
To: pigdog-l@arlington.com
Subject: [Pigdog] X-Com vs Extropians

The new Xcom:Apocolypse game includes, among several
organizations in the futuristic city of Mega-Primus, the
Extropians. The are, at the outset of the game, neutral
towards Xcom. But they can get taken over by the aliens,
and then you can destroy them.

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