Re: Let me not be a leaver

Date: Sat Jul 19 1997 - 00:52:14 MDT

In a message dated 97-07-18 13:55:57 EDT, you write:
<Leaver cultures screw up environmental balance quite often but it is
     not planetary in impact.>

The Bible speaks of the forests of Lebanon in complimentary terms. (where are
they now?) ..the Romans gathered wild animals from North Africa for their
Circuses...and grain for their populations (what can be grown there now?)

The Sahara is still there...growing...and influences continental weather
patterns...(was on Crete for 4 yrs...ever see a dust storm come across the
Ocean?) (but it do make pretty sunsets)

<< Since we've evolved beyond what nature intends ........................
 Looks like there is still some evolving to do...

I would recommend books by Richard Dawkin. "Selfish Gene, Blind Watchmaker,
River Out of Eden" to back up my assertion that nature doesn't "intend"
anything .


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