FYI:CFP: Learning in Autonomous Robots (fwd)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sun Jul 13 1997 - 02:10:52 MDT

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 13:54:03 -0400 (EDT)
From: Henry H Hexmoor <hexmoor@cs.Buffalo.EDU>
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Subject: CFP: Learning in Autonomous Robots

Dear Colleague,

Maja Mataric and I are guest editing a special issue of Prof. George
Bekey's Autonomous Robots Journal. Please review our CFP which is salo
available online.

                           Call for papers
                        Autonomous Robots Journal
             Special Issue on Learning in Autonomous Robots

             Guest editors: Henry Hexmoor and Maja Mataric

                 Submission Deadline: August 15, 1997

Autonomous Robots is an international journal published by Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Editor-in-Chief: George Bekey

Current applications of machine learning in robotics explore learning
behaviors such as obstacle avoidance, navigation, gaze control, pick
and place operations, manipulating everyday objects, walking,
foraging, herding, and delivering objects. It is hoped that these are
first steps toward robots that will learn to perform complex
operations ranging from folding clothes, cleaning up toxic waste and
oil spills, picking up after the children, de-mining, look after a summer
house, imitating a human teacher, or overseeing a factory or a space

As builders of autonomous embedded agents, researchers in robot
learning deal with learning schemes in the context of physical
embodiment. Strides are being made to design programs that change
their initial encoding of know-how to include new concepts as well as
improvements in the associations of sensing to acting. Driven by
concerns about the quality and quantity of training data and real-time
issues such as sparse and low-quality feedback from the environment,
robot learning is undergoing a search for quantification and
evaluation mechanisms, as well as for methods for scaling up the
complexity of learning tasks.

This special issue of Autonomous Robots will focus on novel robot
learning applications and quantification of learning in autonomous
robots. We are soliciting papers describing finished work preferably
involving real manipulator or mobile robots. We invite submissions
from all areas in AI and Machine Learning, Mobile Robotics, Machine
Vision, Dexterous Manipulation, and Artificial Life that address robot

Submitted papers should be delivered by August 15, 1997. For a small
extension or problems with submission please contact contact Henry
Hexmoor as soon as possible.

Manuscripts should be typed or laser-printed in English (with American
spelling preferred) and double-spaced. Both paper and electronic
submission are possible, as described below.

For paper submissions, send five (5) copies of submitted papers
(hard-copy only) to:

Dr. Henry Hexmoor
Department of Computer Science
State University of New York at Buffalo
226 Bell Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260-2000
PHONE: 716-645-3197
FAX: 716-645-3464

For electronic submissions, use Postscript format, ftp the file to, and send an email notification to

Detailed ftp instructions:

compress your-paper (both Unix compress and gzip commands are ok)
ftp (but check in case it has changed)
give anonymous as your login name
give your e-mail address as password
set transmission to binary (just type the command BINARY)
cd to users/hexmoor/
put your-paper

send me an email notification to let me know
you transferred the paper

Editoral Board:
James Albus, NIST, USA
Peter Bonasso, NASA Johnson Space Center, USA
Enric Celaya, Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial, Spain
Adam J. Cheyer, SRI International, USA
Keith L. Doty, University of Florida, USA
Marco Dorigo, Universite' Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Judy Franklin, Mount Holyoke College, USA
Rod Grupen, University of Mass, USA
John Hallam, University of Edinburgh, UK
Inman Harvey, COGS, Univ. of Sussex, UK
Gillian Hayes, University of Edinburgh, UK
James Hendler, University of Maryland, USA
David Hinkle, Johns Hopkins University, USA
R James Firby, University of Chicago, USA
Ian Horswill, Northwestern University, USA
Sven Koenig, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Kurt Konolige, SRI International, USA
David Kortenkamp, NASA Johnson Space Center, USA
Francois Michaud, Brandeis University, USA
Robin R. Murphy, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Jose del R. MILLAN, Joint Research Centre of the EU, Italy
Amitabha Mukerjee, IIT, India
David J. Musliner, Honeywell Technology Center, USA
Ulrich Nehmzow, University of Manchester, UK
Tim Smithers, Universidad del Pai's Vasco, Spain
Martin Nilsson, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden
Stefano Nolfi, Institute of Psychology, C.N.R., Italy
Tony J Prescott, University of Sheffield, UK
Ashwin Ram, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Alan C. Schultz, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Noel Sharkey, Sheffield University, UK
Chris Thornton, UK
Francisco J. Vico, Campus Universitario de Teatinos, Spain
Brian Yamauchi, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Uwe R. Zimmer, Schloss Birlinghoven, Germany

Relevant Dates:
August 15, 1997 submission deadline
November 15, 1997 review deadline
December 1, 1997 acceptance/rejection notifications to the authors

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