Re: Those overpowering but inept aliens

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sat Jul 12 1997 - 15:42:18 MDT

Laws, David wrote:
> The whole debate of UFO's generally misses the important question, and The
> Question is not 'Have we been visited by an extraterrestrial civilization?'
> but 'Why have we been visited by extraterrestrial civilizations?' I find
> debunkers amusing in the fact that they seem so dedicated to disproving
> something akin to spending your life trying to disprove the existence of
> 'God'. 'We' send out probes to other planets...why wouldn't another
> planet's intelligent life? Believe it or don't, but do not worry about it
> until the fanatic believers get enough political power to start passing and
> enforcing laws that affect your life (as religious fanatics do).

Well, the first thing that sticks in my mind is our radiowave
emanations. That radio had been in wide use for over 20 years prior to
Roswell, and even TV broadcasts occured 11 years prior, not to mention
the large electrical discharges in recognisable patterns that people
like Nicola Tesla had been using since before WWI gives one enough of a
change in the radio output of our solar system to be noticable.
Considering that our sun is such a mellow, stable yellow dwarf, such a
rapid change in radio output is obviously a sign of technological
intelligence developing, that should to any scientist, be a chance to
study a whole new society.

Sure its obvious that any other intelligent society would send out
probes. That isn't a question thats worth debating. Whether we are the
first in our star cluster is the real question. What is the
density/spread of intelligent life in our galaxy? Even the pessimistic
Sagan said that there are between 1 and a dozen such civilizations in
existence at any one time (based on a formula that someone came up
with), and this was when he was expecting our own species to be snuffed
out before the millenium by nuclear holocaust. Given that that
particular threat seems to be over, then the likelihood of even more
such civilizations being in existence rises by a huge magnitude.
> First, the Air Force's 'mogul' explanation's biggest problem for me is the
> amount of material found (supposedly scattered for over a quarter of a
> mile). I've seen photo's of the 'mogul' balloons and 'there just ain't
> enough stuff there to be noticeable' for that area (especially after being
> blown around in a thunderstorm). The largest component by far is the
> balloon itself. Even the ranch hand would know balloon material was not
> some 'unknown' metallic structure. The Air Force personnel certainly
> would.

And the fact that they ignore the "fuselage" of the vehicle that the
materials came from at a different site a few days later, according to

> Second, the Air Force has yet to explain the extreme security measures it
> took to recover and dispose of this 'balloon'. Even if it was a top secret
> spy device a simple gathering of the wreckage of a 'weather balloon' and an
> embarrassing apology for releasing a false report ('We have recovered a
> flying saucer') would have sufficed. Besides, if it WAS a top secret
> spying device why wasn't the Air Force actively searching for it?

THis is in my mind the biggest hole in their claims. Since the people
who operated the Mogul balloons have said that they never cared about
recovering the balloons since nothing on them was classified, only their
purpose was, then the security measures and priority guarded flight of
the materials to Wright Patterson AFB are completely incongruous. ALso,
the report disclosed that all of the paperwork related to the crash
recovery was destroyed without authorization, and without record of the
date or place where they were destroyed. THis in my mind is a smoking
gun that should justify even deeper poking.

> Third, if the 'cover up' was an attempt to scare the Soviet Union into
> believing we DID have a 'flying saucer' and could use the recovered
> technology to blow them off the face of the earth then THAT should be the
> explanation. Reagan's SDI project has already been admitted as such for
> the most part. But then, that explanation WOULD be an admittance of 'We
> planted the material there' and 'Yes Virginia, the Government DOES lie to
> you...'.
> Fourth. Now to 'Why?'. I can currently think of 4 reasons.
> a) Pure curiosity.
> b) Economics.
> c) Security.
> d) Survival.
> Both a and b pose no threat to us. c has the consequences of either 'THEY
> would try and sabotage our technology so we could not threaten THEM' or
> 'THEY want to help us advance and become allies against some third party
> civilization ('This Island Earth', written in the 1950's covered this. The
> movie was a the book. Jack McDevitt's 'The Engines of God' has
> another interesting concept.). d is double edged too. THEY could be
> looking for suitable new colony locations or just for a 'lifeboat' planet
> in an emergency.

Actually, I beg to differ about your conclusion with respect to b.
Economic reasons are the greatest threat because it would be very easy
to completely destabilize our economy by suddenly releasing information
to, say, build your own basement fusion or zero point field power
generator. Many people would say to this, "no it just means we are free
of those theiving power company bastards, etc".....but it just shows how
little people understand about economics. Say these aliens released over
the airwaves plans for an easy way for an average joe to build a weapon
of mass destruction. What would happen? Instant bedlam. Nuclear weapons
level terrorism would be the norm for every community. Imagine kids
phoning in a bomb threat to get out of school then....

Using the Conquistador Syndrome as an example, economics is a good
reason to expose ones existence.

> The abduction claims are much harder for me to believe. These 'aliens'
> want to go unnoticed so they take 'specimens' and 'torture' them and
> release them back into the pack. Though an alien thought process may
> conceive of this as logical, I sure don't.

Such a strategy would be useful if those darn memory erasers weren't so

> One last thing to ponder. HOW? I don't think we currently have the
> technology or knowledge to grasp this. I am of the belief that travel
> between solar systems will require a mastery of the Unified Field.
> Something along the line of being able to use AND control gravity to fold
> time and space.

Maybe its been a while since I posted this, but anyone who understands
relativity knows that a spaceship accelerating at a mere 1 G for one
year reaches 90% of light speed, where time dilation effects start to
happen. Essentially, with a constant thrust vehicle that can accelerate
at 1 G, just about anywhere in the galaxy is reachable in under a
decades flight time, anywhere in our star cluster is reachable in less
than 6 years, and anywhere within 20 light years is reachable in less
than 4 years ship time. So if you have a decent supply of reading
material, a decent hybernation couch, and a good hydroponic system, a
person can go anywhere at sublight speeds. Of course, don't count on
anyone but your grandkids being alive when you get back from a 20 LY
cruise, unless people start living a lot longer.

			Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------		Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Mikey's Animatronic Factory
My Own Nuclear Espionage Agency (MONEA)
MIKEYMAS(tm): The New Internet Holiday
Transhumans of New Hampshire (>HNH)
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